The following services are not our focus at Adia, but are things we often do in the normal course of business as architectural designers and creative problem solvers. Our goal in offering these additional services is to simplify our clients' lives and save them money by providing comprehensive service in-house. If you don't see the service you need, be sure to check out adiaRecommends for a list of companies and professionals we rely on regularly for services which we do not provide ourselves. These are the creative professionals that help make our designs special, and we recommend them to all of our clients and friends. |
ANCILLARY SERVICES Graphic Design Presentations (Print & Digital) Basic Web Design Photography Research
Lukas Petrash Adia Design Company Affordable Design Innovation Architecture International Prefabrication Adia Adia Lukas Petrash Adia Design Company Affordable Design Innovation Architecture International Prefabrication Adia Adia